We’re halfway through the year and, a bit like being the middle child, you might feel stuck on how to make the most of your money between now and December. The answer could be in finding the balance between your female and male money energy.
So much of how we manage our money depends on our feelings. True story. We like to think that we are logical, rational beings who think about things before we act. The reality, however, is quite different. Our emotions, our habits and the energy that we bring into our lives every day tend to make the money rules.
Here’s something you might not have thought about before: we all have male and female energy in us and just as striking a balance between them makes for good relationships, health and overall wellness, that balance is also crucial for your financial wellness.
Let’s see how that works. (Thank you to Donna McCullum whose work inspired this blog post.)
The masculine aspects of money want:
Certainty & clarity.
To be organised & managed.
Purpose (to build or grow).
To be a protector and provider.
What it means in practice
Get out of debt.
Manage your money.
Monitor your money.
Have emergency funds (protector role).
Have money routines eg. weekly meal planning monthly recon of budget and expense tracking annual review of your investments.
Give your money purpose eg. we want a family holiday or we want to buy a house (money is always a means to an end not an end in itself).
The feminine aspects of money want:
To be in circulation or flow
To be in relationship
To have a vision
To allow and enable magic
To be a nurturer
What it means in practice
Have a good emotional relationship with money.
Get better at receiving whether it is money eg accept with gratitude when someone offers to pay you for something you or just a compliment or a gift.
Spend your money in ways that feel good and nurturing for yourself and others eg don’t try to keep up with your friends or neighbours.
Manage the flow of your money – know what comes in and what goes out.
Have a vision for your money and your life in the form of dreams goals and a financial plan.
Use your current money to create more money by purposefully putting money into structures you have created such as investments.
Create additional income streams.
Exchange energy with others in a way that it empowered – don’t let other take advantage of you or make your decisions for you.
Can you see that if you focus too much on the masculine aspects, you can end up with not enough movement and flow with your money? And if you have too much circulation and not enough structure, money won’t stay in your life long enough to create wealth and make your dreams come true.
If all this is still too abstract for you, this image might help. Think of your money as a river. A river has banks on either side to give it structure and a route to follow, and the water in it must flow from the source to the sea. A river without banks is just a pool of water that disappears into the ground. A river that doesn’t flow, is just stagnant water that will soon turn stale.
When your money river is healthy, it has strong banks to make sure the money goes where you want it to go, and there are inlets and outlets that keeps it fresh as it flows to its destination – which is your financial wellness. A money river with strong structure can handle “flash floods” like winning or inheriting money or getting a big bonus. Without that structure, the windfall money will just disappear from your life as unexpectedly as it arrived.
So, as we get into the second half of this year, use your own masculine and feminine energy to balance the masculine and feminine aspects of money and create a healthy money river for yourself.