It’s easier to do what you’ve always done than to get into a new habit. That’s why Backward Day is such a great way to get into the spirit of the year TWENTY TWENTY FREE.
Here at Bayport we’ve decided to rename 2023 and call it 2020FREE instead. This is to remind us that during this year, we want to free ourselves from bad debt, bad money mindsets and bad financial habits.
Speaking of habits, one of the biggest obstacles to overcome when changing a habit, is building a new routine to replace it. Most of us are so set in our ways that we don’t even think about what to do when we get up in the morning – we simply do what we do every day.
The same can be said for our money. We buy the things we are used to buying, pay the bills we are used to paying, and have the same conversations about things getting more expensive. It is even possible that our good money habits become meaningless routines, such as writing down your expenses but never looking at the numbers to understand your spending patterns so that you can change them.
This is why we like the thinking behind Backward Day.
Backward Day is celebrated on 31 January and people from across the world participate in doing things – yes, you’ve guessed it! – the wrong way round. There really are no rules. The day is about finding fun ways to turn your normal routines upside down.
You can:
- Have vegetables for breakfast and cereal for dinner.
- Add coffee to your milk.
- Do your work in reverse order.
- Say “Goodbye” instead of “Hello” when answering your phone.
- Wear your shirt backward.
- Be like Leonardo da Vinci: write from right to left and form your letters the wrong way round.
- Watch a movie backward.
- Read a book starting with the last page.
- Walk backwards to and from your office.
How can you apply Backward Day to your money habits?
You don’t want to do something silly with your money on 31 January and then struggle to get through February. So think carefully about working backwards with your finances.
One idea is to use 31 January to work backwards from a big, juicy financial goal. Let your goal inspire you and motivate you to start doing things differently today so that you can eventually achieve your goal.